This morning, the chanichimot started their Hadracha Seminar! As I wrote yesterday, this is a seminar focused on leadership. Over the past few days, we have seen the MBI chanichimot leading each other in several ways, whether it was on the trail, setting up the campsite and building structures during Machaneh Etgar, or while meeting their Israeli peers during Machaneh Tnua Achot. We are excited to see how they continue to be leaders for each other throughout the rest of MBI, and look forward to seeing the ways they want to apply these skills and experiences to HDNA when they return to their machanot and kenim.
The chanichimot focused on how to plan and run activities to accommodate for different learning styles, and were able to put their creativity to the test to think about fun and engaging educational methods for activities.They'll be able to directly apply these skills next week when they plan and facilitate activities for each other during their Yom Kvutza.
After dinner, the group had a mini Veida in advance of the movement-wide Veida this December! Veida is HDNA's biennial seminar where all of the members from post-MBI age and older are invited to create, amend, discuss, and vote on proposals that will shape the ideology and structure of the movement. The MBI chanichimot were split into smaller caucus groups for this tochnit erev (evening program). In these groups, they decided on a silly caucus table name, completed some challenges, read through and learned about some old proposals that were passed in previous years, and then voted on the movement song. They decided on Eden Hason's Kapiyot, a popular song in Hebrew!
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