Friday, August 2, 2019

Day 31: Dado Beach and Welcoming in Shabbat

MBI had a long awaited beach day today! They went down to Dado Beach in Haifa to catch some waves, relax by the sea, and eat a delicious falafel lunch!

As MBI heads into their last Shabbat together, they are also beginning their Sikkum Seminar (Closing Seminar). They started to reflect upon their time together in Israel, all of the siyurim (day tours) they had over the past few weeks, as well as what they want to bring back to North America and HDNA. We are excited to hear all of the stories from this experience that they will share with friends and family back at home, and cannot wait to see what they will bring to the ken, machaneh, and Bonimot Tzedek!

This evening, Machaneh Miriam led Kabbalat Shabbat! They all sang songs and recited the prayers under the beautiful orangey-pink glow of the sun setting. Next, Sara, our Rosh MBI, gave her weekly 'Rosh story.' After Kabbalat and the Rosh story, everyone went to dinner. They ended the evening with a Shabbat classic - rikud!

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